TIO beach restoration research team won the 1st prize of Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award

The project "Research and Application of Sandy Beach Restoration Key Theory and Technology under Complex Dynamic Conditions", achieved by TIO as the 1st Participating unit, won the 1st prize of Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019. This project was conducted by the beach restoration research team led by prof. Dr. Cai Feng, who attended Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Award Conference held in Fuzhou on Dec. 29, 2020.

Based on China's space ecological restoration demand, this project focuses on the sandy beaches under complex coastal dynamics in China. It has promoted the development of coastal hydrodynamic theory, revealed the key morphodynamic process of the beach, achieved innovative understanding of beach evolution under complex hydrodynamics, and established the theoretical basis of sandy beach restoration in China. The innovation viewpoints involve new numerical simulation models of beach morphodynamics to support a systematic theory for beach restoration, invention of techniques of ecological and environmental friendly beach restorations and precise controlling of beach sediment transport, including combined sand retaining groyne, composite layout of artificial reef and pipe culvert, permeable headland, and ecological submerged breakwater. The establishment of sandy beach restoration theory and technology system significantly improved the theory and technology of China's beach nourishment, which has been widely promoted and applied in nationwide, strongly support the space ecological restoration in China.

The team has focused on beach restoration research for over 15 years, and has founded systematic achievements from theoretical research on beach nourishment to technology framework of beach restoration, and then to engineering application. The achievements included 13 invention patents, 9 software copyrights, 117 research papers, 5 monographs, 4 professional standards, and 30 engineering practices of beach restoration in China. Simultaneously, some wonderful nourished beach works won high prizes, such as "National Excellent Marine Engineering", "China Habitat Environment Example Prize", and "Dame Sylvia Crowe award landscape Institute, UK", etc. The performed project has facilitated the technical progress of coastal protection, improved the ability of coastal disaster prevention and mitigation, protected the coastal natural resources and ecological environments, promoted the coastal landscape, enriched tourism leisure life, and has obtained significant social, economic and ecological benefits. These achievements have provided effective protections for China's beach resources and have also become important technical supports for China's space planning and ecological protection.

Website links: Fujian Provincial People's government's decision on Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Award in 2019 and the award ceremony (http://www.fj.gov.cn/zwgk/zxwj/szfwj/202012/t20201201_5468581.htm, Dec 1, 2020; https://fjrb.fjdaily.com/pc/con/202012/30/content_51344.html, Dec 29, 2020)

Project information:

Project Name: Research and Application of Sandy Beach Restoration Theory and Key Technology under Complex Dynamic Conditions

Partners: Cai Feng, Zhang Chi, Qi hongshuai, Zheng Jinhai, Du Jun, Lei Gang, Liu Jianhui, Li Guangxue, Shi Lianqiang, Zhu Jun

Participating units: Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Hohai University, Island Research Center, MNR, the First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Ocean University of China, and the Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR

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